About Childhood

About Childhood

Childhood’s Purpose:

Vision - A world where all children are free from violence, sexual abuse, and exploitation.

Mission- To inspire, promote and develop solutions to end sexual abuse, exploitation and violence against children

How We Stop Child Sexual Abuse

Understanding the Need and What Gaps Must be Filled

We at Childhood are an independent, private foundation with no public funding. That's why we have a unique opportunity to test new ideas, stimulate unexpected collaborations and invest in solutions and changemakers that we believe in, but are not yet established. Much of our work is about understanding where there is need and the gaps we need to fill to reduce the risks and mitigate the consequences of child abuse.

We spend a lot of time and effort seeking out, initiating, and supporting innovative projects that can create sustainable change over time. With knowledge, funding, and networks, we empower ideas and innovation that protect children in Sweden and around the world. This contributes to long-term systemic change. At the same time, it improves the lives of individual children here and now.

Working Towards Ending Child Sexual Abuse

Working towards completely ending the violence against children requires systemic change. To get there, we need effective action at different levels. We need more knowledge, concrete solutions, and safer environments. We also need specific actions to reach and empower those children who are most at risk of abuse, or who have already been abused. This requires us to respect the integrity and rights of children and for adults to understand, listen and act. It requires decision-makers to prioritise the issue. This is what we work towards achieving.

Three Thematic Focus Areas to End Child Sexual Abuse

We work in three thematic areas - Safe Relationships & Environments, Keeping Children Safe Online and Child-Friendly Support & Response. We have chosen them based on where we see children are most vulnerable, where the need for our work are greatest, and where we as an organisation have the most experience and knowledge and can therefore make the most difference.


"I have founded an organisation. My greatest wish is to shut it down soon.” - Queen Silvia

With these words, Queen Silvia founded Childhood over twenty years ago, in Sweden, Germany, Brazil and the USA. Over the years, we have made possible more than 1300 projects around the world. Initiatives and ideas have been given wings and life thanks to our funding, knowledge and encouragement. Most of the time, these ideas have come from the minds of people close to children. People with knowledge and understanding of children's vulnerability and needs.

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