Project VIC Ecosystem


Project VIC is a community of investigators, victim identification specialists, application developers, scientists and strategic partners dedicated to developing and levering the newest technologies and victim-centric methods of investigation to improve success rate in rescuing victims of child sexual exploitation and trafficking. Proiect VIC has co-created an ecosystem of shared and standardized technologies specifically chosen to combat crimes involving massive amounts of images and video. Data from these respective technologies is processed using the Project VAC Cloud and redistributed back to the greater community working on crimes against children. The following tools are part of the Project VIC ecosystem: Project VIC Hash Cloud Provided by Project VIC International and Hubstream Inc. hosts over 65 million CSAM and non CSAM hashes- Access encryption Provided by Project VIC. PhotoDNA for Images by Microsoft is made available to law enforcement through a sub-license agreement with Project VIC LLC PhotoDMA for Video by Microsoft is made available to law enforcement through a sub-license agreement with Project VIC LLC Ft Video Fingerprinting by Friend MTB is made available to law enforcement through a sub-license agreement to Project VIC LLC. VICS-Odata Model Licensing is made available to law enforcement through a sub-license agreement with Project VIC LLC international Image Classifies Standard- (IC-3) Machine Learning Modelling is made available through Project VIC International Global Alert System- ViC5 Exif Matching across global platforms to identify similarities in imagery for Victim Identification. License included with ViC5


Project VIC

Target group/intended user
Law enforcement
In use
Country of Origin
Date tool added to database
Sep 12, 2021 9:00 AM
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