LESP's Hash Query


NCMEC offer the Law Enforcement Services Portal (LESP) which serves as a resource and access to several resources of NCMEC directly from the field. One feature is the Hash Query section, in which law enforcement officers in the field may query hash values from active investigations against the NCMEC system to learn if NCMEC knows the child depicted to be identified, and/or whether that hash value has been seen at NCMEC before. CRIS is the internal image and video file catalog used by NCMEC's Child Victim Identification Program. This system allows analysts to review and tag files in bulk in support of prosecution efforts, notating which files contain children identified through previous law enforcement investigations.Β  In addition, this tool assists the analysts in linking files and cases in support of victim identification efforts.


The National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC)

Target group/intended user
Law enforcement
In use
Country of Origin
Date tool added to database
Feb 14, 2022 9:22 AM
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