Articles and Reports for Further Reading

Articles and Reports for Further Reading

Here we have gathered interesting reports and valuable links for those who want to learn more about Childhood, artificial intelligence and the fight against child sexual abuse.


Raj Ramesh Describes AI in 5 minutes, and how you can think about AI, deep learning, and computer vision.

5-min video on AI

A free online course from the University of Helsinki for those who want to know what AI is, and its opportunities and challenges:

Elements of AI

Lund University have compiled a list of descriptions for important AI concepts. (Swedish)

Allt du skulle vilja veta om Artificiell Intelligens

About AI and Child Sexual Abuse

AI Roundtable 2019 - World Childhood Foundation

The idea for Stella Polaris emerged from a roundtable meeting in the fall of 2019 that brought together leading experts in AI and child safety. Here you can read the concept note and a summary of the conclusions from the meeting.

AI Roundtable 2019 Summary305.4KB
AI Roundtable 2019 Concept Note.pdf569.2KB

Artificial Intelligence: Combating Online Sexual Abuse of Children - Bracket Foundation A mapping of what initiatives exist today in AI to counteract and prevent sexual abuse of children, and what AI could be used for.

AI Combating Online Sexual Abuse of Children.pdf7648.4KB

About Child Sexual Abuse Globally

Global Threat Assessment 2021- WeProtect Global Alliance

A summary by WeProtect Global Alliance on global trends related to child sexual abuse and exploitation.

Global Threat Assessment 2021.pdf13859.0KB

NetClean Report 2020 - Covid-19 Impact - NetClean

A report which gives an overview of child sexual abuse with a focus on the internet and the effects of Covid-19.

NetClean Report 20206213.8KB

ReDirection Survey Report - Supjellan Lapsia

Based on 8,484 survey responses from users of abuse material on the dark web, the report provides unique insights into the behavioral patterns of perpetrators.

ReDirection Survey Report.pdf2268.6KB

Illegal Online Sexual Behavior During the COVID-19 Pandemic - Karolinska Institutet

Scientific report on a study at Karolinska Institutet where an online-based CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy) program is offered to people who produce, watch and spread child sexual abuse on the darknet. The study has received funding and capacity support from Childhood.

Illegal Online Sexual Behavior During the COVID-19 Pandemic508.9KB

Sexuella övergrepp via nÀtet lika allvarliga som IRL - Göteborgs Universitet (Swedish)

Artikel om forskning kring sexuella övergrepp pÄ nÀtet och hur det pÄverkar barn.

Sexuella övergrepp via nÀtet lika allvarliga som IRL - |

About Child Sexual Abuse in Sweden

Unga sex och internet #MeToo - Stiftelsen AllmÀnna Barnahus

En rapport om gymnasieungdomars erfarenhet av sexuella övergrepp och sexuell exploatering i Sverige 2020/2021.

Unga Sex Och Internet Efter MeToo 2021.pdf3928.9KB

Internetrelaterade sexuella övergrepp mot barn - Riksrevisionen

Granskning av polis och Äklagares arbete mot internetrelaterade sexuella övergrepp mot barn.

Internetrelaterade sexuella övergrepp mot barn.pdf1139.7KB

HuddingehÀrvan och barnpornografivÄgen pÄ 1990-talet - P3 DokumentÀr

Under nÄgra dagar i maj 1993 utspelar sig mÀrkliga scener i Stockholms tingsrÀtt, dÄ offentliga visningar av barnpornografiska filmer ordnas i sÀkerhetssal 17. Eftersom de 150 barnporrfilmerna anvÀnds av Äklagaren som bevis i ett tryckfrihetsmÄl, Àr de att betrakta som offentlig handling..

RadiodokumentÀr om tryckfrihetsmÄlet som ledde till att innehav av övergreppsmaterial av barn blev olagligt. Ett exempel pÄ en konflikt mellan juridik och etik, samt den samtida samhÀllsdiskursen kring huruvida lagÀndringen skulle leda till allmÀn censur.

HuddingehÀrvan och barnpornografivÄgen pÄ 1990-talet

Om Childhood

Childhoods verksamhetsberÀttelse 2020

Om Childhoods arbete för att förebygga och stoppa sexuella övergrepp mot barn.

Childhood VerksamhetsberÀttelse 2020