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Private individualsSocial media

Yoti is an identity platform, for identifying yourself digitally, and supports choosing what information to share and verify. For example user's can verify their age online, while not revealing other information about themselves.

Aiba AI

Social mediaChildren

Amanda is a proactive safety platform designed to protect children in social environments by detecting grooming and making accurate profiling of age and gender. Amanda uses key stroke dynamics and metadata from chats to determine the gender and age group of users. By analyzing writing style, Amanda can identify if users are who they claim to be. Amanda also analyzes messages using methods such as stylometry, behavioral patterns, text, and image to continuously assess the risk of the conversation. This analysis results in a continuous risk score that enables real-time prioritization of potentially dangerous conversations.

Population Foundation of India


Equipping adolescents with tools, information, and resources to identify and report online CSEA in India, using an artificially intelligent chatbot.



SafeToNet is pioneering technology that educates children “in-the-moment” as they use their device. It is a safeguarding assistant that helps them become responsible and safe digital citizens. Its power lies in a smart keyboard that detects risks in real-time. It steers children away from trouble by filtering harmful outgoing messages before they can be sent and any damage can be done. SafeToNet helps prevent sexting, bullying, abuse and aggression.

Swansea University

Law enforcement

Tools based on integrating AI/Linguistics that enable law enforcement to spot online grooming content in real-time. The project will impart specialist knowledge through a learning portal and chatbot to strengthen professionals’ abilities to shield children from online grooming.

DeafKidz International


Interactive, accessible digital platform to help deaf children stay safe from online abuse and exploitation. Through educational games, children will learn to protect themselves from online risks, e.g. exploring what an inappropriate chat conversation might look like, the warning signs of abusers.

None in Three (University of Huddersfield)

Potential perpetrators

Working in partnership with the Universidade Estadual de Londrina (UEL) and Promundo, both in Brazil, the team, led by Professor Adele Jones and Professor Patricia Tzortzopoulos, will conduct research into online child sexual exploitation and abuse (CSEA). They will use the findings to develop and evaluate ‘Emilio’, an educational video game targeted specifically at young males considered to be at risk of engaging in online abusive behaviour. The game will aim to head off potential online CSEA at its roots by addressing its underlying drivers among those most amenable to change, the young. Because young people are still developing, it is easier to help them modify their thinking patterns and to make the link between emotion and behaviour; essential for violence prevention.

University of Kent


A culturally sensitive digital "serious" game that educates children about online child sexual exploitation and trafficking, with built-in evaluation and at-source reporting.